Awards Program
Annual National Awards are presented once a year at the National Convention. Most are submitted by a member of the GEC, Departmental Commanders or Society Commanders. These individuals will be notified when nominations are due. Forms for submission will be furnished or made available on the National web site. All nominations for awards must be submitted with written documentation that lists specifics reasons for the nomination.
Chapter Commanders who wish to make nominations for National Convention Awards should work through their Society Commanders and use the Chapter forms available on the web site to submit to the Society. Nomination deadlines are important as certificates must be printed and medals prepared. All interested parties should familiarize themselves with the nomination forms and deadlines published on the National web site to insure participation in the awards process.
Work and activities performed while carrying out the duties of an elected or appointed office are not reasons for award nominations as such duties are the requirements of office. Likewise, the normal requirements expected for all members of the Military Order of Stars and Bars are not qualifications for Awards.