In the Winter 2000 issue of the “Officers Call”, the membership in our Society was issued a challenge to adopt a Confederate officer’s grave and to commit to its care. This is not a commitment to be taken lightly, nor was it intended to be. If you elect to accept this challenge, do so with two thoughts in mind, 1) it should be for a two year commitment, and 2) your efforts should be towards perfection. Make these graves stand out among the rest. Show people that we really care.
Not everyone will wear the “Jackson Medal”, but those who do will have done their best. If your entry is judged with up to seventy-two points awarded, you will receive a Jackson certificate. With seventy-five to one hundred points, you will receive a certificate and medal.
Multiple applications from the same individual will have “stars” awarded for each approved application. The “stars” will be worn on the medal ribbon. |